Thursday, March 17, 2011

Conscious sedation in dentistry (Dental Phobia/Fear/Anxiety-causes & management)

Conscious sedation In dentistry

Most of the modern dental offices focuses & encourages patients for regular dental care & routine oral Check-ups. Oral health is considered first when it comes to overall health. Dental practitioners are now giving importance to patient experience. To make patients experience better now lots of dentists are turning towards sedation dentistry.

    Previously we mentioned here About Dental Phobia & Anxiety.


      Dental Phobia/fear/Anxiety - Causes & Management


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This sedation dentistry is another way to deal with Anxiety or phobia of dental treatment. Sedation provides a way to overcome fear & achieve a positive result.


benefits of sedation dentistry-

1.  Helps anxious patients to maintain routine dental care


2.  Less post-operative soreness


3.  May require fewer visits for complex procedures



Sedation dentistry also known as – Sleep dentistry/Twilight Sedation/Conscious sedation.

In this procedure patients are given a combination of sedatives & pain relieving drug. Which creates a dream like state than general anesthesia. This procedure must be done under experts observation or by expert himself because if overdose is given then airway obstruction may occur which may cause some serious problem.


Deep relaxation in this procedure coined the term sleep dentistry but patient is alert in this state. So now you have another way to overcome your dental phobia.




Warning on sleep dentistry

Sedation Dentistry