Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dentist do you know? Some antioxidants prevent tooth decay.

Do you know?

  Anti-oxidants Such as-  proanthocyanidins from Cranberry extract & polyphenols from red   wine Affects Streptococcus mutans ability to produce acid & glucans. Thus preventing the organisms growth & ultimately this helps in prevention of tooth decay.

These anti-oxidants let other beneficial bacteria thrive in oral cavity so taking care of the balance of the oral microbial flora is not disturbed.

Microbiologist & dentist Hyun Koo at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York published this revelation earlier this year. Koo wants to save teeth by creating a medicinal extract from wine and cranberries.


Impact of this study is now we have Anti-Oxidants in our regiment against tooth decay.



Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fluoride in drinking water - a brief account. (links)

Today we are seeing something that is directly related to dentistry by every means. Fluoride incorporation in water 0.8 ppm (0.7 to 1.12 ppm) . I toothpastes its amount is about  1000 ppm  & there are some toothpaste coming that claimed to be anticariogenic toothpastes with 3000 ppm of fluorides.

 We always see the impact of fluoride- is it get “adsorbed” on the surface of enamel replaces calcium ion to form fluor appatite  instead of calcium appatite.  Thus strengthens the enamel.

So if fluoride 0.8 ppm (0.7 to 1.12 ppm) in water will not cause any problem but if it increased it may be harmful

But it is not just fluoride that can contaminate water but other substance also.

Carcinogens found in Tap water in 31cities of U.S.

- Here

For fluoridation of water

- here

Water fluoridation UNICEF’s Overview

- here 

Scientific facts

- here

Fluoride health effect database


Water fluoridation controversy

- Here

Fluoride adverse health effect

- Here

Fluoride drinking water contaminants

- Here

Fluoride as toxic chemical in water


- Here

Biological effect of fluoride

- Here

Neurotoxicity of fluoride

- Here




So the main thing is- properly calculated amount of Dose that defines drug & if that amount is wrong the drug is poison.

If you still thinks that proper amount of fluoride is not necessary for you  or you find that fluride amount is more in your drinking water – then there are methods to remove fluoride from water - Here

I believe - Making water contamination is crime. Those who found culprit in it must be punished. Because proper & calculated amount of fluoride is not toxic So those who are not using proper amount must be aware of the consequences.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tooth caries classification by "The Grand old Man of Dentistry" (Black’s Classification of caries lesions)


Previously we covered Contributing factors in dental caries

Now we are going to see how G.V.Black Classified these caries lesions on the basis of their position on tooth.

Black’s Classification of caries lesions-

G.V.Black -   "The Grand Old Man of Dentistry" is known as the one of the founder of modern dentistry.

Black's Classification of Caries Lesions:

§  Class I Caries affecting pit and fissure, on occlusal, buccal, and lingual surfaces of posterior teeth, and Lingual of anterior teeth.

§  Class II Caries affecting proximal surfaces of molars and premolars.

§  Class III Caries affecting proximal surfaces of central incisors, lateral incisors, and cuspids.

§  Class IV Caries affecting proximal including incisal edges of anterior teeth.

§  Class V Caries affecting gingival 1/3 of facial or lingual surfaces of anterior or posterior teeth.

§  Class VI (never described by Black, added later by others) Caries affecting cusp tips of molars, premolars, and cuspids.





Wikipedia- G.V.Black

Wikipedia image source- here

Hall of fame Inductees



Friday, December 17, 2010

Post- Extraction Instruction - After tooth extraction what to do?

Post- Extraction Instruction - After tooth extraction what to do?

Patient Education.




Post- Extractioin Instructionn-Dr.suraj Kadam




These instructions are just the general instructions. You might need them if-Dentist just extracted your tooth or teeth & told you an instruction but you forgot those instruction Now what?  

Or  You just want to know what after the extraction?

Still I recommend you any problem you suffer Or any Instruction you forgot please contact your dentist who did the extraction – Only he can give you the specific instruction that you need the most for your oral health.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Dental Phobia/fear/Anxiety - Causes & Management

Dental Phobia/fear/Anxiety - Causes & Management

Why people fear the dental procedure? (Dental Phobia/ Anxiety about the procedure/fear about dental procedure)

a)      Causes

b)      Management

A)  Which Things Will Cause this Anxiety/Phobia/fear -

1.       Intraoral Injections – Patient gives the consent & permission for this & He/She is well aware that Syringe needle is going to pierce the oral mucosa & they are watching it as the dentist deposit the solution.

[Why we give it- it is a local anesthetic injection & prior to injecting the solution we give patient a surface anesthesia so he/she feel no piercing pain in that region. After Local Anesthesia is given within few minute’s the place became numb & we can carry our dental procedure without any pain.]

2.       Pain (fear of Pain – during the dental procedure)

[why some time there is pain – Some time the pain is there is not exactly a pain it is sensitivity or if the cavity is deep then there is mild pain. If you feel it tell your dentist & he will sure help you. This pain is temporary & after the treatment there will be no pain.]

3.       Tooth loss (Fear of loosing something that is now a painful infection source)

[many people fear to loose their tooth which is painful that tooth might be a front tooth that will socially embarrass you in day today life Or loosing your tooth forever is really a fear. But your dentist will oly extract your tooth if it is painful & infectious & there may be a very poor prognosis of that tooth your dentist will let you know about the condition & prognosis of that tooth & will ask for your consent & permission to extract your tooth. So you don’t have to fear about any thing if the tooth is spreading infection then you must remove it. To avoid further damage to your oral health. If it dentist removes it you can go with bridges or FPD or denture prosthesis to restore the functionality & aesthetic. Your dentist will recommend you what is best for you.]

4.       Fear of Incision

[why we take incision most of the time they are under local anesthesia so they are not at all painful, but if you have an abscess & in such case local anesthesia may not act at that time we try to make it minimum painful but you don’t have to fear surface anesthesia Is always there & after incision we drain that entire abscess & then we place rubber drain inside in case it is needed & suture it. Another case we need Incision where we do flap surgeries but those surgeries carried out under local anesthesia so no pain is there.]

5.       Fear of the Noise of the dental instrument known as “dental drill”– [yep that’s the noise; annoying & sometime fearful for some. But that noise is just because Air Turbine hand piece works on motor fitted inside & that noise is of that small motor. & that hand piece is used to removed carious part of your tooth & unsupported enamel So in reality that hand piece is actually helping dentist to remove caries & unsupported enamel so no need to worry about it. It’s just a noise.]


6.       Fear of the needles & various instruments

Needles- syringes- for injection

Blades- for various incision.

Files – small pins which are used in root canal therapy.

Burs- diamond points- or carbide burs- they are used in air turbine hand piece.

Forceps – to extract tooth.

All the above instruments are having their own purpose & they are using it because the situation you are in demands their use in under specified degree of anesthesia. So this is not at all a reason to fear dental treatment.

7.       Fear from the childhood experience or by the things you heard from your parents or friends in childhood

“Son if you don’t listen to me then I will take you to the dentist & will give you an injection.”

“Girl if you eat another candy I will take you to dentist & will remove your all teeth.”

“You never listened to me & eat that cake & never brushed that is why god punished you now dentist is going to take that tooth out”

Things like this will really impact on your child’s mind.  You are telling them that if they will not behave good then as ”A PUNISHMENT”  you will take them to the Dentist & You are not stopping here but going further & stating that “The Treatment that dentist Normally do to relieve some one from agony of pain is your kids Punishment “ So what you are doing is Incepting an idea of Dental clinic as a Punishment  room Or more worse - The Hell & The Dentist Is the Punisher.

Wow What a parent you are!

If you want your kids to be obedient & well behaving- Then don’t do this instead of that try to understand their feelings & do the right behavior shaping of your kid.

Do not Over Exaggerate the condition in dental clinic just to show how brave you are.


B)  How to manage this Phobia/fear/Anxiety-


Do not be afraid at all if you have any queries ask your dentist directly. I am sure he/she will definitely give you a good explanation.

There are few methods to manage dental phobia or fear of the dental procedures - here

·         Breathing technique

To foster deep breathing is to breathe in slowly and count to five before exhaling to another count of five

·         Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation can help to slow heart rate and promote calmness.

·         Desensitization

This approach combines deep breathing and relaxation with gradual exposure (either through audiotapes, videotapes or the patient’s own imagination) A patient afraid of needles, for example, may look at pictures of a dentist’s needle in a safe environment, such as at home or in a therapist’s office, while practicing relaxation and breathing techniques. 

·         Distraction

Putting the mind’s focus elsewhere is another way to diminish the anxiety and pain of dental visits.

·         Hypnosis

Hypnosis involves a state of deep relaxation attained through a combination of deep breathing, muscle relaxation and attention modification.

·         Soft Music

Listening to soft music in some mild cases will work just fine. Music relaxes the mind.

·         Combined Approach

Many patients with dental phobia may need a backup strategy in case the first one is not sufficient. The best relief may come from combining approaches 


Sometimes this dental phobia or fear or anxiety can be removed just by talking to your dentist & understanding the whole procedure & necessity  Or sometime above methods of managing dental phobia will be used or sometimes Antianxiety drug will do just fine Or Some time all of them may be used.



Friday, December 10, 2010

can toothpaste cause Burning mouth syndrome Or Burning Mouth pain? Burning Mouth Pain -Yes.

Recently I read this article

Can toothpaste cause Burning Mouth Syndrome?

 Dear Dr. Gott: I have suffered with Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) since 2001. I have worked with my doctor and have had every test the Mayo Clinic recommended, to no avail. Recently, my sister called and told me of an article she read where the patient had suffered for 20 years with the condition and found the cause in toothpaste. Could you please send me any information you have on BMS, including this article with the name of the toothpaste? 

Dear Reader: Burning Mouth Syndrome causes searing pain that can spread throughout the entire mouth - from the lips, gums and tongue to the insides of the cheeks. It can cause a loss of taste, increased thirst, dry mouth, tingling and more. The pattern may be constant, or it might come and go. 

When the specific cause cannot be diagnosed, it is believed linked to problems with the sensory nerves of the peripheral or central nervous system. There may be a nutritional deficiency or an underlying medical condition. 

The condition may be related to medications, primarily those taken for hypertension. It may be caused by hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid), diabetes, nutritional deficiencies, exposure to contaminants or allergies to food additives. 

People who suffer from BMS should begin by seeing their primary-care physician, who may refer them to a dentist, otolaryngologist or other specialist. Possible causes include oral-thrush medication, lozenges, oral rinses or mouthwashes, a trial with the B vitamins or cognitive behavioral 


On the home front, you should avoid eating spicy foods, or those that contain cinnamon or mint. Refrain from tobacco products, reduce your stress level, and use toothpaste and soaps that are free of sodium laurel sulfate (SLS). This ingredient can cause adverse reactions in some people. Stress can be a factor. Consider practicing yoga, tai chi or another form of relaxation exercise. 

Source of the above article- Here

My Question is- are you sure this is Burning Mouth Syndrome & Not The Condition Named Burning Mouth pain?

Because the information you provided is suggesting that it is type IV Hypersensitivity which is causing Burning mouth pain. We need some oral examination though but it is Burning Mouth pain.

Can toothpaste cause Burning mouth syndrome Or Burning Mouth pain? Burning Mouth Pain -Yes.



Glossodynia or burning mouth syndrome (BMS) (also known as "Burning tongue" and "Orodynia".

This condition characterized by a burning or tingling sensation on the lips, tongue, or entire mouth.

Causes include –

·         nutritional deficiencies,

·         chronic anxiety,

·         depression,

·         Type II Diabetes,

·       Menopause

·        Oral disorder caused by Infection like Oral thrush by Candida Albicans  Or Dry mouth by some medication or systemic disease.

·        Damage to nerves.

Source- here

One cause of burning mouth pain, which may be often misdiagnosed as burning mouth syndrome, is a contact sensitivity Type IV hypersensitivity ( –delayed type of hypersensitivity) in the oral tissues to common substances such as sodium lauryl sulfate, a surfactant commonly used in household products, cinnamon aldehyde or dental materials. There are now several toothpastes on the market specifically without sodium lauryl sulfate or other preservatives which have been found to be associated with sensitivities.

Toothpastes without sodiumlaural sulfate- here

[Both Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and its close relative Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) are commonly used in many soaps, shampoos, detergents, toothpastesand other products that we expect to "foam up". Both chemicals are very effective foaming agents, chemically known as surfactants.

SLS and SLES are esters of Sulphuric acid - SLS is also known as "Sulfuric acid monododecyl ester sodium salt", however there are over 150 different names by which it is known - see them here. In fact, SLES is commonly contaminated with dioxane, a known carcinogen.

Although SLES is somewhat less irritating than Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, it cannot be metabolised by the liver and its effects are therefore much longer-lasting.

A report published in the Journal of The American College of Toxicology in 1983 showed that concentrations as low as 0.5% could cause irritation and concentrations of 10-30% caused skin corrosion and severe irritation. National Institutes of Health "Household Products Directory" of chemical ingredients lists over 80 products that contain sodium lauryl sulfate. Some soaps have concentrations of up to 30%, which the ACT report called "highly irritating and dangerous".

Shampoos are among the most frequently reported products to the FDA. Reports include eye irritation, scalp irritation, tangled hair, swelling of the hands, face and arms and split and fuzzy hair. The main cause of these problems is sodium lauryl sulfate.]

Source- here


Treatment for burning mouth syndrome-

Low dosages of benzodiazepines, tricyclic antidepressants or anticonvulsants may prove to be an effective treatment.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid 600 to 800 mg administered daily in three or four doses has been found to reduce symptoms. Trials have been small, but alpha-lipoic acid may be an appropriate adjunctive treatment option.




Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dentist : Do you know? The difference between Paratrigeminal Syndrome & Horner's Syndrome

Do you know?

Paratrigeminal Syndrome common in patient's with poor oral hygiene & having oral infection.


Horner’s syndrome Known as “sympathetic opthalmoplegia

Clinical features

Miosis- contraction of the pupil of the eye due to paresis of the dilator of the pupil.

Ptosis- drooping of the eyelid due to paresis of the smooth muscle elevator of the upper eyelid.

Anhidrosis & vasodilation over the facedue to interruption of sudomotor & vasomotor control. Its chief significance lies in the fact that it indicates the presence of the primary disease.

The exact features of the syndrome depends upon degree of damage of the sympathetic pathways to the head & the site of the damage.


Lesion in the brainstem may be tumors or infections Or in the cervical or in high thoracic cord occasionally will produce this syndrome. Preganglionic fibres in the anterior spinal root to the sympathetic chain in the low cervical and high thoracic area are rather commonly involved by infection trauma or pressure as by aneurism or tumor to produce Horner’s syndrome.

Involvement of the carotid sympathetic plexus by lesions of the internal carotid artery may produce the typical facial sweating defect as well as facial pain & sensory loss.

Additional reading-

Wikipedia- Horner’s syndrome

Health Encyclopedia- Horner’s syndrome



Paratrigeminal syndrome also known as raeder’s syndrome

Clinical features-

Severe headache or pain in the area of trigeminal distribution with signs of ocular sympathetic paralysis.

The sympathetic symptoms & homolateral pain in head or eye occur without vasomotor or trophic disturbances. These signs & symptoms usually appear’s suddenly.

Common in middle aged males.

Signs are some time exactly like Horner’s syndrome. But  Differentiating factors are

1)      presence of pain

2)      No change in sweating activity of the affected side of the face.

According to Lucchesi & Topazian dramatic improvement occurred after elimination of dental infection.

For more click here



Raeders syndrome


Additional Reading-



This above article is just for patient education & for general information of the dentist's around the PDF included is owned by singapore medical journal. feel free to add some more information in it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Amalgam fillings are again in spotlight - FDA To Revisit Mercury-Based Fillings

as per the news go FDA To Revisit Mercury-Based Fillings- he U.S. Food and Drug Administration will revisit the issue of amalgam fillings that contain mercury, officials said.The FDA will take up the issue at a meeting of the dental-products panel of its medical devices advisory committee Dec. 14-15 in Maryland, The (Lousiville, Ky.) Courier-Journal reported.Dentists and many health experts say the mercury-based fillings are safe, but some consumers and scientists argue mercury can contribute to a host of health problems, including Alzheimer's."I'm not surprised the FDA is looking at this because of the public outcry that has been going on for decades," said Holly Hruska of Frankfort, Ky.She had her amalgam fillings removed in 2004 after suffering several health problems she blamed on mercury, including tremors, anxiety, nausea and double vision.But many health experts discount the effects of the mercury in amalgam fillings.

"The anti-amalgamists don't like it because they don't like it, not because they have science to support what they say," said Dr. Robert Baratz, a Massachusetts physician and doctor.He said opponents of amalgam fillings represent "the unscientific fringe," and not the general public.

Source - here

So Finally Again they are going to re investigate the matter- Previously we covered it  here- A Spot light on Silver Amalgam filling - Safe Mercury practice in Dentistry !

But It is now again in spot light so let's see what will happen next . 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Root canal Therapy- A procedure to save your tooth & you from pain!

  Root Canal treatment (RCT)- Procedure to save your tooth & you from pain.

Few days back one young patient with swelling which is covering his entire left side of the lip & that swelling has just covering his left lower eye lid, he was having tremendous pain & Upper front teeth are paining so much, he just requesting us Please, Doctor remove these painful teeth.

I was shocked by his request. He was just 19 years old. Yes the pain he was having is a sever pain. But removing his teeth in so much young age will really cause some problem for that young patient.

when I first saw him entering in my dental office he was hiding his face because of swelling & just requesting for removal of the two teeth. He also mentioned the pain he is having is very much & swelling is so much that he wasn’t able to open his left eye.


During dental check up again

he mentioned me “Sir Please, remove this tooth & stop this pain”.

While checking his dental condition I said “ they are your front teeth & if we remove them now, then the gap will be visible for all the time when you will open your mouth. That will be embarrassing situation. Your smile will look so bad. All other concern will arise like if you decide to do implant in that area that will be expensive. & if you want FPD adjacent tooth will involve in that procedure so that won’t be conservative & will be expensive too.”

“Then how you gonna stop my pain? It is paining so much.”

I told him, “I will stop this pain, without removing these teeth.”

Then he mentioned me “These two front teeth are moving. How you can save them? “

With smile I replied “ Yes, That is grade II mobility. I have myself checked it, & I can save those teeth.”

“I am exam going student, tomorrow I am having my exam paper. Do I have to worry about it?”  He asked me again with worry.

“are you prepared for your exam? “ I asked him my question with concern.

He said “yes, I am prepared but with this pain & swollen face, I don’t think I will able to write my papers.”

After hearing his statement I assured him “ I am sure that, before leaving our dental clinic say within next 25 min. your pain will be gone & not only pain but your swelling will also start reducing. By tomorrow there will be no swelling or very little & No pain at all. You just have to complete our treatment plan that we are just putting on schedule.  you just have to follow the appointments & we attain all this without loosing your front teeth. ”



Then after telling him the entire treatment plan, We managed his short appointments as per his exam schedule. We explained him entire procedure of the treatment & what we are going to do on our scheduled appointment. after taking his consent we started our treatment.

When we done our that days treatment procedure. My patient said “Now all my feelings are at peace. Feeling absolute no pain & swelling is reducing in size Even now I am able to open my left eye. Thanx to you doctor, you saved my teeth & saved me from pain.”  With that he reminded me our next appointment for  his RC treatment & I wished him best luck for next days exam he smiled & left the dental office.  I also turned to my next patient who was waiting in a waiting room.

Lots of question in mind my friends-

Is it Possible to save this much of paining teeth with this much big swelling?

 What is this procedure by which we saved this patient’s teeth?  Can you explain it all?

These are the few questions that I can guess & if you have some more questions please visit our contact me section & feel free to ask your question. I will be more than glad to answer your questions.


The procedure is known as Root canal treatment procedure. Which we can divide in following steps-1)debridement & cleaning the pulp chamber – In which we (dentist)remove all carious part of the tooth & take access to the pulp chamber & then we remove the pulp from chamber & canals too then thoroughly clean these canals.

2)Biomechanical preparation of the canal – with specific instruments like small files we clean & shape the canals. Ones we got the desired size & shape of the canal. We go to our next step

3)Obturation – here we fill those canals with inert material & seal them with resin.

4)But patients comfort & restoring the tooth is our main goal so to achieve it we try to do following- we try to restore the crown structure if needed we can use posts to build crown core & then restore the crown. Most of the time we use prosthetic crowns to restore the tooth function.

This is the simple process & patient is under local anesthesia while cleaning & shaping of canal. So this is a painless procedure.

In some specific cases you can do this entire procedure in single sitting, But for abscess cases we have to do it in few sittings.

This is the painless & safe way o save your tooth or teeth. This method is proven & used by all dentists. So don’t fear & save your tooth. That tooth is important part of your body this is what we all dentist think.

Video of this procedure-







If you have any question feel free to ask in our contact us section form here.


Directly ask about root canal procedure to your dentist.



Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dentist : Do you know? (Blind Woman Can sees everything because of her tooth)

Do you know?

Blind Woman Can sees everything because of her tooth 

For 10 years, 61-year-old Kay Thornton was blind. She's the first American to give up a tooth for an eye. Doctors extracted her tooth, put it in her eye, and used the tooth to anchor a lens which gave her back her vision.

Dr. Victor Perez performed the unique surgery a year ago at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami. He told her she'd get her sight back, but she'd have to go to the dentist first. 

Kay can once again drive the tractor on her farm in Mississippi, enjoy seeing her grandkids, and make sure she never misses a bingo game. This is all because of her tooth.




Insurance company also supporting this surgery now-

Initially, Kay received a letter from her insurance company that said they did not want to pay doctors fees because the surgery wasn't "medically necessary" and reasonable.

Now, the company has agreed to pay and is investigating why the claim was questioned in the first place.

This all happen because of a healthy oral condition & tooth she is having in her mouth. In old age we lose our teeth long before our sight so in many cases there is no tooth to do such surgeries. So keep your teeth intact & healthy.

In some condition tooth can be used to get the stem cells which then can be used to find cure for the medical condition the subject is suffering from or to regenerate some cells.

So don’t neglect your oral health. Visit your nearest dentist to find how is your oral health & how you can make it better for long time.


Video source


Thursday, November 25, 2010

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Connection of - Oral health & general health & how one must get early indication of health problem in routine dental check up.

Oral Health & General Health – interlinking

Digestion begins in Oral cavity. Carbohydrates get digested in Oral cavity with the help of enzymes present in saliva.

Oral cavity is just below the maxillary sinus. Sometimes long canine root apex is just touches it.

Oropharyngeal passage is common pathway for food & air.

Whole body developed from branchial arches & every organ is developed from group of tissue & tissues are made up of group of similar cells. In short everything in our body is interlinked & having a very delicate balance.

So in many diseases we can see the oral findings

For example

In Diabetes – Acetone breath is common finding with severe periodontal tissue destruction. Loosening of teeth.

                                                   Source- Oral health and diabetes - the important link - here

Many diseases show the Oral manifestation

Vitamin deficiency

Scurvy(Vitamin C deficiency) related to the periodontal tissue destruction, Vitamin D deficiency shows delayed tooth eruption. 

Blood dyscrasias, metabolic disorders like protein energy malnutrition also shows the oral manifestation.

Following video is just a collection of such diseases & their oral implications- (please pause the video for reading the details.) here



Following things your teeth can say about your health & what to do when you find these symptoms-

Source- here

·         Flat, worn teeth

·         Cracking, Crumbling Teeth

·         Sores

·         Hypertrophy of gingival (Gums Growing Over Teeth )

·         Dry Mouth

·         White Webbing Inside Cheeks

·         Crusting Dentures

1)Flat, Worn Teeth, Headache shows that you are under big time stress, because bruxism -Crunching and grinding the teeth- at night during sleep is a common sign of emotional or psychological stress. the jaw may ache from the clenching.

Mouth guards used at night can relieve the symptoms and protect teeth. You can advice muscle relaxant But your stress is basic cause removing your stress will eliminate all problems

2) Cracking, Crumbling Teeth shows that Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) - The enamel becomes thin and almost translucent. Disintegrating teeth are usually caused by acid that's coming up from the stomach and dissolving them the term for this is-Perimolysis & The cause: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD, also called acid reflux disease). GERD causes stomach acid to back up into the esophagus.

Cracking or chipping teeth in a younger person is also a telltale sign of bulimia

eating disorder in which the sufferer causes herself (or himself) to vomit before digesting.

Solving the underlying cause is the only solution. Tooth become sensitive so desensitizing paste is just superficial treatment.

3) Sores That Won't Go Away may be the sign of oral cancer. Many people bite the insides of their mouth as a nervous habit. Others sometimes bite the gum accidentally, creating a sore. Suspicious oral ulcers tend to be raised sores and often have red or white (or red and white) borders. They may lurk underneath the tongue, where they're hard to see. Bleeding and numbness are other signs, but sometimes the only sign is a sore that doesn't seem to go away. A biopsy usually follows a visual check.

 4) Gums Growing Over Teeth is a Sign of Medication problems. You are taking a medication for heart disease or seizures or you take drugs to suppress your immune system (such as before a transplant), these drugs are the reason of that unusual gingival hypertrophy. This overgrowth can make that area hard to brush and floss, inviting tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Surgical removal of such overgrowth is not the only treatment but doctor have to adjust the drug dose.

5)dry mouth is sign of sjogren’s syndrome, diabetes. Many things can cause dry mouth, from dehydration and allergies to smoking and new medications. (In fact, hundreds of drugs list dry mouth as a side effect, including those to treat depression and incontinence, muscle relaxants, antianxiety agents, and antihistamines.) But a lack of sufficient saliva is also an early warning of two autoimmune diseases unrelated to medicine use: Sjogren's syndrome and diabetes. Other signs of diabetes include excessive thirst, tingling in the hands and feet, frequent urination, blurred vision, and weight loss. In Sjogren's, the eyes are dry as well as the mouth, but the entire body is affected by the disorder. Because its symptoms mimic other diseases (such as diabetes), people are often misdiagnosed and go several years before being properly diagnosed.

6) White Webbing Inside Cheeks shows lichen planus or white patch leukoplakia or red patch erythroplakia. Another common area where a lichen planus rash may appear is the vagina. Lichen planus often goes away on its own, but sometimes treatment is necessary. The last thing you might expect to discover while brushing your teeth is a skin disease. Sometimes lichen planus is drug induced too.

7)Crusting Dentures- shows aspiration pneumonia- A leading cause of death in older people is aspiration pneumonia, often from inhaling debris around the teeth and dentures, dangerous (even fatal) inflammation. Too often, the problem stems from people in the care of others -- those in nursing homes, for example -- who fail to clean dentures properly. Dentures need to be removed daily from the mouth, cleaned with a special brush, and stored in a cleansing solution.

Oral Manifestation of systemic disease-  Here is the original article- Link


Oral manifestation of systemic diseases


98% of American Dentists and 91% of American Doctors Believe There Is Link Between Oral Health and Overall Health… (Source – here)

Our previous articles also highlighted this topic-

Dentist can help to Identify the patient at risk of heart attack part 1 & part 2

Cosmetic Dentistry notes on Oral Health & whole body Relation - here


This all article is just a try to show that oral cavity is a window of entire body health.

So as soon as you find any symptom or oral lesion or oral finding visit your dentist, because that smallest finding may be the early indication of some systemic disease. Regular interval visit to dental office will easily find such findings & further precautionary measures will be take place in time. So without any time wastage visit your nearest dental office.

[ A patient education article to encourage patient to visit dental office]


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Regrowing Your Own Teeth Alternative to Implants!

This Study is based on - MSH- melanocyte-stimulating hormone- MSH, could stimulate tooth growth. MSH mixed with a chemical called poly-L-glutamic acid to create a gel. 

Still in a clinical trial mode. but a very promising step.

There are some similar articles-

  • Tooth regeneration gel soon replace painful fillings- here
  • reattach teeth using stem cells - new technique - here
  • new innovations in dentistry- here

Source- Here & Here

Watch the latest video at

Watch the latest video at

Monday, November 22, 2010

82 year old man having brand new erupting tooth !

82 year old man having brand new erupting tooth !


“The 82-year-old retired PENSIONER John Giblin from Faversham awoke to find he'd grown a new tooth two months ago.

John, who used to pick hops in Faversham, moved from London to Somerville Close two years ago. He says it's now just a matter of waiting for an appointment to get the offending incisor removed.

John says he has no idea why he grew another tooth so late in life, and admits he didn't look after them when he was young.We wish John well and hope he receives a visit from the tooth fairy some time soon.”                                                         Source- Here  & here


We know about the teeth that are present at the time of birth Natal teeth Or Errupt in first month after birth Neo natal teeth.

 Definition: Teeth that are present at birth are natal teeth, and teeth that emerge through the gingiva during the first month of life are neonatal teeth.     Source- here

But here in case of Mr. John Giblin from Faversham the tooth eruption is so late that we can say in age of being edentulous he is having eruption of incisor. this is either a case of delayed eruption or over Retentive incisor or may be a supernumerary malposed tooth. We are not confirmed what it is exactly.  

If anyone having some more information please share 

VITAMIN B Complex reduces Mouth cancer Risk

VITAMIN B Complex reduces Mouth cancer Risk


Study focusing on women show that Vitamin B veggies cut risk of mouth cancer

Women who consume high volumes of folic acid found in vitamin B from vegetables and some fruits are less likely to suffer from mouth cancer.

Women who drank a high volume of alcohol and had low folic acid intake were three times more likely to develop mouth cancer than those who drank high volumes of alcohol but had high volumes of folic acid in their diet.

This is the first time that folic acid intake has been shown to affect the risk of the disease.

Alcohol is one of the major risk factors for mouth cancer and those who drink to excess are four times more likely to be diagnosed.

Alcohol leads to a reduction in folic acid metabolism by creating acetaldehyde which leads to a reduction of folic acid in the body.

Folic acid or vitamin B9 is essential to an individual's health by helping to make and maintain new cells.

·         Pregnant women are advised to supplement their intake of folic acid, to ensure a healthy development of the baby.

·         Folic acid is found in vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, beans, peas and lentils and is added to bread.

·         Fruit juices, broccoli and brussel sprouts contain smaller amounts.An unhealthy diet has been linked with around a third of mouth cancer cases.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Dentist : Do you know?

This time we came up with this funny news.

Do you know?

Peoples are using toothpaste for very different purpose than brushing teeth.

According to source here

· It is used by some people as skin care paste in blemishes, bruises, rashes

· It is used as defogger

· It is used as cleaning paste.

Toothpaste is used for following purposes other than tooth brushing-


To clean Baby Bottles, Carpet Stains, Cell Phone Screens, Clothing Stains, Crayon on Painted Walls, Leather, Linoleum Scuffs, Piano Keys


Bathroom Sinks, Blemish Cream, Bruises, Bug Bites, burns, Chrome, Hair Gel, Hand Deodorizer, Mirror Defogger, Refrigerator Seals, Skin Rashes


To clean Coffee Table Water Rings, DVDs and CDs


On Goggles, Headlights etc.

It’s funny to know that people can use this tooth paste by many ways… what I can say – They are creative. Nope!

My advice is toothpaste that contains around 1000 ppm of fluoride should be used to brush your teeth & not as a cleaning paste!