Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bad Breath A Social Problem & How to cure it.

Can you imagine Very beautiful & attractive smile but with very bad breath. How it feels? How many people’s would love to spend time with person who is known for his bad breath? How many times you try to go away from such person?  But what if you are the person with bad breath? Did you noticed this peoples are actually trying to avoid person who is known for his bad breath? Is it affecting your social life? Yes, bad breath is a social problem.

Bad breath is also known as the Halitosis in dental office.  

Why this bad breath happens?

Oral cavity contains various types of organisms & their colonization. Some of them survive inside the periodontium. Some organisms survive by forming plaque the biofilm (a conglomeration of bacteria) at the back of the tongue, teeth which is normal, but emits an odour of hydrogen sulphide that human noses are extremely sensitive to. That sensitivity is what makes bad breath a social issue.

Poor Oral hygiene commonly gives birth to bad breath. Poor periodontal & Dental health are another reasons.

For some people, bad breath is caused by a dry mouth, which may be a result of medications you are taking. Saliva, which contains oxygen, is critical for fresh breath. We produce less saliva, the older we get, so older people tend to have more bad breath than the young.

There is Halimeter that measures the concentration of bad breath causing sulphur compounds & Tells you  how bad the halitosis problem is.

Some Health problems that can cause Halitosis-

1.       A hiatus hernia,

2.       serious lung infection,

3.       stomach or liver issues, 

4.       Diabetes mellitus,

5.       Carcinoma

6.       Trimethylaminuria  or

7.       an inborn metabolic problem can also cause bad breath

Way to keep your breath clean & fresh.

·         Drinking lots of water keeps the mouth hydrated, which keeps bad-breath-causing sulphur compounds at bay.

·         Chewing sugarless gum stimulates the production of saliva while you’re chewing, but that stops when you stop chewing.

·         Munching on apples, celery, cucumbers and carrots — natural cleansers — also helps detoxify breath.

·         Maintain your Oral hygiene properly as per your dentist’s advice. Visit dental office on regular intervals.

 For Best Oral Hygiene –

·         ·         Once a day flossing is necessary

·         ·         Twice a day brushing is mandatory. Clean your tongue properly each time you brush.

·         ·         Massage your gums properly after each brushing.

·         ·         Irrigate & clean your mouth after each meal.

·         ·         Avoid sticky & refined food, use fibrous & vitamin rich food. ”mastication is mechanical cleansing of teeth”.

·         ·         Visit your dentist regularly or scheduled interval for oral prophylaxis.



Halitosis   (Wikipedia)

Health Encyclopedia - Diseases and Conditions

bad breath all too common